@Barneyjones Current refers to what testing stage we're in, not whether or not there is currently a test running. If we were currently in the Beta phase, then Alpha would probably say Complete, and Beta would say Current. You still need to read further to see what if any guidelines are out there in regards to the individual testing phases.
If all you do is just read the shop entry and that's it, your not making an informed purchase. There is no reason every detail should be on the shopping pages. There is an entire website, and thus you should poke around and read the basics before just buying a package...but knowing that we're in Alpha stage, should assume that as a testing phase, access is not going to be continuous.
The next test is supposed to be the first 'continuous' 24/7 up test, but even then, when patches and specific new testing material comes out, the servers will be down, not to mention when there are server issues and major bugs that end up making the test not worth continuing as is. These are just the nature of the beast when you join a game in a testing phase as opposed to a launch, or even pre-launch.