ok, so everything is perfect you can end alpha and play akokaokaokaokaoka

Posts made by Zards
RE: OVERVIEW: SUGGESTIONS. (PvP) and some general observations
RE: OVERVIEW: SUGGESTIONS. (PvP) and some general observations
A PvE, VIP player, with privileges that cannot be attacked by any other player, and that also cannot cause damage or heal other players.
I prefer this VIP player playing with me, on the same server, than on a specific server, this player can be very important for the trade. I don't want to have to log out and go from server to server to find someone. -
RE: House and its owner rights
Maybe, the stronger the gate, the harder it is to get the right tool to open, or the chance to fail the attempt. Thus giving chances to the owner of the house to escape or at least know that the thief is at your door trying to open it.
I imagine that here it can happen PvP of house among Warriors mainly, so a player who opens expects someone to enter and closes as a "trap", would not be totally safe doing this, because a friend with skills to open locks, would be out there and could try to open the house.
It must be a skill with attempts between mistakes and success, where for example, the wooden fence gate would be the easiest to open
RE: House and its owner rights
It would be interesting in the skill of dexterity, to add a talent to open doors, with the necessary knowledge and skills, from the simplest door, to a more secure door.
But without being able to move or open anything inside -
OVERVIEW: SUGGESTIONS. (PvP) and some general observations
Good morning / afternoon / night to all.
I am Brazilian, so forgive me for the mistakes for word errors.I, as an Ultima Online player since 1999, and currently playing "Life is Feudal: MMO", I really liked Fractured.
from Life is Feudal: The types of weapon damage: slashing / blunt / piercing and those varieties that balance armor versus weapons, The difficulty of survival, hunger, tiredness, having to recover after death, being able to build your own home or an entire village. Full loot..
From Ultima Online: The spells, the dungeons, the monsters, the game map, the possibility that you can use all kinds of items and release all the spells, but according to your knowledge skills you will be better or worse at that, Full loot, Among other things...
My opinions / Suggestions:
About gameplay and movement mechanics:
A second option of controls, I would like to move with the right click and do actions with the left click.
Chases are sometimes tiring, and the fullplate warrior may be slower, this is normal, but a berserker buff to gain speed would be considerably interesting, but only spending 2 skill points, only those with berserker skills can use it. The buffs that exist do not yet compensating.
Maybe implement stamina, so that "runners" would have to have a control of stamina consumption, there are archers and mages with agility, who simply unleash magic and run/shot and run, and learned to do it very well, a warrior fullplate doesn't have much to do.**Add Auto-Walk.
You must urgently balance the strongest buffs, with restrictions/considering the skill segment. For example:
A strong magic, could only be used, for those who have superior skill in that segment of intelligence /Mages.
The strong "warrior buffs", only for those with Berserker / Polearm / Titan Figther/ skills...
The same thing in the Agility and Perception segment for archers and assassins ..**This would avoid some unbalanced builds that are going on.
**I also realized that some mages use 03 strong spells at the same time, and can full damage all of the enemy's HP, this should receive special attention.
Weapons x Armor / Damage:
I think all weapons should do more damage without buff. It is difficult to chase someone with a melee weapon and hit a hit on the move, and not cause damage, it is a great headache and tiredness, I abandoned some pvp because I was irritated by it.I found practically no one using mace or polearms and piercing / spears.
A better advantage for these items:
I think axes and polearms should cause "chopping" damage, and not "slashing" like swords.
And add a buff that drops the enemy from the mount. For the Master Polearms skill segment.Piercings weapons could add the application of poisons.
Maces, A chance to provoke "Stun" with just a simple blow hit.
Naked, take much more damage, this will solve the problem of opportunists players in a full lot game
Create armor / magic weapons for PvM, different items with special bonuses for specific monster species, without influencing damage / defense against players.
These items would be very important for PvM / PvE players.Enchants / Magic Items:
Magic and enchanted items, earning some extra bonuses, but that do not make anyone using these items to be BOSS, the skill should be worth over the use of items, a pvp based item is not viewed with good eyes if you want a more realistic immersion game.I also think that it was a mistake to enable the option to enchant armor in this Alpha, many players who did not know this, fought with people with enchanted items, who received no damage, and killed them easily, that was frustrating.
The enchanted items must have different colors, this is good for the game design, they would look better, armor and weapons with metallic colors, and very important for the identification of the items among the players, that would be at least fair, to know the power of the enemy in a fight.
Final remarks:
01 ) Enable an option for the character to sit / lie down to passively recover stamina.
Cooking Tasty foods, which would increase the time of resistance drop and hunger.
02 ) Be careful when dividing servers PvE (PvP/PVE) and PvP. MMO needs a good amount of players, the value of the game is not very accessible, especially here in Brazil and Latin America.
You should create two large areas with NPC guards protection, in the two corners of the map, for pve players. Where Pks could not enter without being attacked by strong guards, who would do a lot of damage to them. However, these players should always pay an amount of gold to the crown for protection.
I don't agree with a PvE-only server, I think the pve player deserves his right to build, collect, ,hunt, mine, build his house, without being attacked. But in a dungeon, he must have these risks, or else he is in the wrong game, he should know "The Sims".
03 ) As it is a game that automatically forces you to have many characters from different builds, it would not be interesting to launch a promotional value to the game, with the right to create only one character, and sell additional characters.
Thanks for your attention, none of this was personal to anyone, I see potential in this game and I want it to be at the top soon.
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