leader drops, cant promot to, cant invite some times... even after we drop the whole party and reform.. the system has some issues still.
Posts made by Xandrathii
The rubberbanding is really funky like needs some balance... the just rando go on a rubberand spree and dont stop, they decide to rubberband after reaching half health and you have not moved.... please look into this its strange -
Blood demon tool tip
Kinda funny, the blood demon and deer say that they give +4 CHA in character creation
crash bug?
I keep having client crashes, only while trying to set up new skills. first time i was working out new skill crashed, logged back in played just fine for 30min+ killing stuff about my house to test the tweek to my build. went home rested was in the menu to make a few more changes about 30-60 seconds into reading abilities I crashed again
Not really a bug... but it is a bug the direction that tooltips are displayed when looking at gear in the character sheet.. is causing them to go off the screen instead of top bot justified center perhaps? Just makes it really hard moving the character window about just to read the whole thing when highlighted.
First Light Need YOU!
I still have 2 4x4 plots open for people that want to become citizens of First Light and have a rent free home. Come to First Light and apply for citizenship at the desk in the town hall.
Food and Rest??
I don't know if something is bugged, something changed and food drains really fast now and rested bar also seems to go a little faster than it used to. was some math changed and something not normalized?
Deconstructor & Transmuter
vice gov & i cant place a deconstructor or transmuter in the alchemy building in our town.
UI suggestion
I would love to see something simple on the UI that indicates which weapon is selected w/o having to open the character sheet my very crude example is included on this clip. -
Semi repeatable there seems to be an exact spot in banks where you can mount get stuck and when you click to move the game returns "you cant do this" over head message of some sort... you can just sit there spinning around on your pony and not move and get spammed with a system message its a funny bug
moving in a cart with 60-108ms ping
so is it just ping 70+ fps and 60-108ms ping and running along a road with a cart causes rubberbanding...
RE: Loot Distribution Systems for Parties
pitty to hear that, groups i am in we designate a gold looter and then it all gets pooled and evenly split at the end or when someone has to leave. We also tend to split up crafting mats in very "need" before greed ways. If someone uses gear that takes that type of crafting mat to make more they tend to get priority on the stuff... and of course this is all an honor system.
the hard coded loot system your talking about has been abused too.. people don't get anything because someone is always hitting need when they dont need the items.. or master looter that does not split the loot at the end. I know the competitive nature of the current system is not great but it will not change things for those of us already to polite in a party to gain loot in an even manner..
I think this is a socially complex problem with no really good solution. Just make sure the people your running with are all likeminded about splitting loot..?
RE: Tool tips
Distillery- I do not have anything but weight for the oils selected or in the pop up menu .(3 different stations checked)[tool tip for the crystal changes and is the appropriate crystal]
woodworking table shows tool tips on the selected board and the ones in the pop up menu
(2 station checked)wood refinery has just weight on the verious boards. (4 different stations checked)
Fletching station had tool tips on the selected window and the menu(1 station checked)
Forge - so yeah the forge has the correct tooltip for ingots, leather gold and patterns correct, the tooltip for the actual gear is blank except weight & name.
Tool tips
Hello my wonderful and very busy Devs,
Tooltips, they show weight and that is all....
Relogging does not fix it.
fletching table, smelter & forge.. though board types in the fletching station do have the correct info.. so its not alll of them just hit and miss.
RE: Street Rat
Old numbers
1818=324new numbers
216/324=0.661-0.66=0.33 ok so min and max damage range is reduced by 33% that would be the same for av
the part that is misses here was what i said if your going to nerf the parts that are tooooooo strong please dial up the parts that were tooooo wimpy like cu de gra or what ever the silly franch is... should have been boosted a bit so you had that rogue - ish feel of a finishing move that worked instead of the assassiny insta killz
I will have to exparament with what you are saying about the weapon dice adding to the base number before its is multiplied or do...
the active abilities are really not present with the knife and assassin stuff... you walk up and open with a hit from stealth, shadow jump in for a burst or then melee for a bit and try to finish with a burst.. or debuff with ready hits or throw sand.. something to make you come out ahead in the melee... with rubberbanding and regen you cant stealth off and go for another opening burst... if you are DEX INT PER for the damage hit and mana regen for spam skills you really cant stand in combat for long. the change made bandits deadly and sent me back to lizardfolk..
Thank you for the help in explaining the change i think i understand it a little more.
RE: Street Rat
Right in black and white in the patch notes 18-27 down to 10-15 more than 50%, 12-18 down to 8-12.. more than 50%, I don't know how you can argue with the actual numbers the from the patch notes... ?
Lethal Strike: Unhealable duration reduced from [0.18-0.27] x DEX to [0.16-0.24] x DEX, damage bonus reduced from [18-27] x DEX to [10-15] x DEX.
Rend Armor: resistance debuff increased from [1.2-1.8] x DEX to [1.6-2.4] x DEX, extra weapon damage reduced from [12-18] x DEX to [8-12] x DEX.
Disrupting Strike: extra weapon damage reduced from [12-18] x DEX to [8-12] x DEX.
Debilitating Strike: extra weapon damage reduced from [12-18] x DEX to [8-12] x DEX.
Strike Wounds damage cap is now 30% lower when used against monsters.
RE: Street Rat
completely wrong the skills you start with were cut in half for damage check the release notes.