I just finished stitching together a zoomed in image of the Myr map, alpha 1 version, with all of the area names visible, and I thought I would share it here in case anyone else was interested.

Best posts made by Wolfmane
Myr Map (Alpha 1 version)
RE: Myr Map (Alpha 1 version)
Maps can also help with developing a better mental image, and overall understanding, of the world your "inhabiting", which can help with immersion. That's my primary interest in maps like these.
I also find it enjoyable to navigate by map, using landmarks to find my way. Normally I would be all for having the option of disabling the mini-map, and the "you are here" dot on the world map, for those of us that would enjoy navigating without them, but landmark navigation is pretty rough in an isometric game, where you can't look around to find said landmarks, until you're standing right next to them. It's still doable, but it puts you at a pretty hefty disadvantage.
But all that said, we all have our own ways of enjoying these kinds of games. Maybe a settings option to disable all in game maps would be a good addition, and would allow for both play styles.
RE: suggestion on attracting huge mass of new players to buy FracturedMMO
It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure how much server space that would take up, so might be difficult resource wise early on. Free trials, like 7 days or something, might be a good option too, to allow people to see the game before buying.