Another post as I am back again.

Posts made by WandererTheLost
RE: Is there a finite amount of Knowledge Points?
The more I read about the game, the more I have been thinking that if they have it balanced so that new players are able to do most of the things older players can from balancing, it could be argued that everything is end game content. That kind of makes me wonder if the rest of the game is just resource hording and pvp.
RE: Is there a finite amount of Knowledge Points?
That type of thing kind of determines if the game is built around doing mostly end game things like Guild Wars 2 or is about the journey to the end game like most others. Either way, the game systems seems pretty in depth and if they can keep balance they way they are trying to, this game has a lot of promise. I was just wondering which of the game types it will fall into though.
RE: Is there a finite amount of Knowledge Points?
So then the question becomes, how long would it be assumed to take to unlock the whole skill tree? Is it like a year long event or could someone focused do it reasonably in a week? Just wondering for a frame of reference.
Is there a finite amount of Knowledge Points?
It seems you can get knowledge points by exploring, fighting, item identifying and consuming relics. I was wondering if there is a max cap on the amount of knowledge points you can get by consuming relics or will there be enough in game by that point to fill out the entire knowledge skill tree either way? Are there many varieties of relics that can only give their bonus one time or can you use the same ones and they are just very hard to obtain?
RE: Daily Message posting
Another one gone and another one gone and another post of the day.