There seems to have been little to no talk on this topic, but with the looming Steam EA, and one final test + wipe, figure I'd create a topic.
Crafting times are absurd for refining anything for above basic equipment. and resources respawn times were still excessive in the last test. and I can almost guarentee, that this will be one of the biggest things this game gets slammed for when it hit's EA on steam, especially when you take into account the possibility to lose gear in PVP ( the faction an alignment system is another discussion entirely).
I think the actual act of gathering items is fine and unique, even having to haul the heavier stuff, but the resource respawn time is far far too long and will cause massive issues if this game plans to have any reasonable pop.
Then there is crafting times, I think when I was messing around with early gear with just normal ingots etc, the best I could do was get the crafting down to maybe one gear set per 24 hours. this is going to turn people away almost instantly once they start looking at trying make anything higher than the very basic gear.