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Posts made by TinyPaws
RE: An idea for a Wolf Support/Druid character from a new member in the community and an avid wolf lover.
Thank you all for the participation in this topic ^^
So far it was basically just an idea for a character. I am aware there are no "classes" and that our choices will determine what approach we gonna take. That's why I haven't really focused that much on attributes yet- most likely a subject to change + we don't know that much yet.
Glad to see people engaging in disscussions on these forums.
An idea for a Wolf Support/Druid character from a new member in the community and an avid wolf lover.
Hello everyone!
I'm a new member in the community and my introduction can be found in here: as well as in the Polish area of the forums.
I'd like to present you some basic ideas for a character I'd like to try to create. As an avid wolf lover the choice it's pretty obvious- I will go with Udoadra from the Wolf-Kin. Just by reading the description of the race I already have a clear picture in my mind of what I'd like my character to be like.
I would like to play a wolf druid, mostly focused on a support role. I imagine I would be able to have some ally creatures/animals when in battle, perhaps summoning or simply controlling them and then enhancing using various magical buffs on them. Same goes with other allies- players. I imagine staying in the back during the fights, possibly healing them, applying buffs as well as some crowd control spells to help.
Other interesting aspect that I am considering would be focusing more on illusion magic to focus on controlling multiple creatures to fight for me, buffing them and sending them against my enemies while I stay in the back.
So far it's hard to think of any smaller details as not much is known about skills and various other details but I do think that the playstyle I want to go with will be at least somewhat possible to achieve.
Tell me your thoughts, please. Any wolf lovers in here who want to share the love for those beautiful animals? :3
See you all during the Alpha Stage!
Cześć! Kilka słów o mnie
Cześć Wszystkim!
Napisałem już o sobie tutaj:
Ale powtórzę kilka rzeczy, gdyby komuś nie chciało się kliknąć
Jestem Marek, mam 27 lat, mieszkam w Warszawie. Uwielbiam wilki więc już wiadomo, jaką rasę wybiorę.
Planuję grać jakimś supportem ale oczywiście co będzie to zobaczymy. Póki co zapowiada się bardzo obiecująco. Chętnie nawiążę jakiś kontakt z innymi ludźmi z Polski abyśmy mogli wspólnie pograć i dobrze się bawić.
Coś więcej o mnie? Byłem półprofesjonalnym (o ile można to tak ująć) graczem w SMITE. Uwielbiam gry online i je głównie preferuję, choć moją ulubioną grą i zdecydowanym numerem 1 jest Skyrim.
Liczę na dobrą zabawę we wspólnym gronie!
RE: Hello! My short introduction, first thoughts and hopes.
@muker Thanks for the useful info! Also, already bought the Knight Pledge Pack! ^^
Hello! My short introduction, first thoughts and hopes.
Hello everyone!
I've been looking for an upcoming MMO games for last couple of months and just today I have discovered Fractured. It's been almost two hours now of me reading all the Spotlight articles as well as watching currently available footage. So far, I must say, it all got me really interested. Somehow I find the website and articles really pleasant- it feels inviting and... humane, perhaps? What I mean by that is the Spotlight informations were helpful and clear, lots of things were explained in simple, understandable sentences without too much of your usual PR bs. I also liked the fact that so far it seems like Devs are transparent and admit that creating a good MMO game takes time as well as they seem not to give too many false promises when it comes to release dates, content available during the upcoming Alpha phases and so on. I particularly liked the article about servers and how they re-evaluated what they had in mind before the community responded. Speaking of which, it seems like so far they've actually been pretty transparent about things which is sweet.
I do like what I've seen so far when it comes to the game's content itself. The main idea, some background lore and all that- I like it. And, since I love wolves- you can pretty much guess which race I'm gonna pick!
Bit about me... I'm Mark, I live in Poland, I'm 27 and I was a semi-competetive player in SMITE. Pretty much in love with multiplayer games more than singleplayer ones (with few exceptions such as Skyrim).
I think I am going with Alpha 1 Knight Pledge Pack even though it's pretty costly considering Poland's economics and wages
I really hope that the game turns out to be good and becomes a place with a great community!