In my opinion it is no problem to come back to town and change skills if you want to be effective against another mobs. Bigger probles exist if you have PvE skills and you saw some gankers. If we want game was fun we have to have possibility to change our Talents and Abilities between PvE and PvP sets. This way have possibility to choose between ready sets is minimum what we should have. Situation, that we must run away if we see gankers, because we have no chance against them with PvE sets is absurd. Compering FO to AO - in AO we can change our set in 5 sec event without any special place and this system works correctly. In my opinion fast changig Talents and Abilities sets - this is only way to be able fight to defence our spot.
Posts made by Shins
RE: Campfires should not allow you to respec
RE: Epic Chat Spamming
Maybe you could look at one more think. 2 days ago someone was spamming using NIGGER tousend times. When there is so big "traffic" at chat game have huge lags. Mayby setting maximum resources for chat should be made to not lagging game by chat spammers.
RE: Abilities, Talents and Attributes
I am pretty sure, that people who will decide play long time will create several characters and I am sure that build of best players will be similar, because the best configuration is just the best. If you want play game "correctly" you will change your build to one of the most optimal. Of corse - some people will have random build, but if you want play seriously then it will be more efective to not loose, because mages in your party have low inteligence and tanks had no constitution. In my opinion differences should make only skill of player, not how much time you have to make new characters.
Of corse not everyone will have to be min/maxers, but people who will create main life in game will be. If not - they will loose.
Of corse Fractured do not define class, but it does not mean, that classes does not exist. If you create a party you have to think who will be dealing dmg, you have to think who will be responsible for crowd control or tanking. And if you want to conquer lands it will be easiest if everyone will bring characters with attributes correct to their role. And it will be lika that - in the strongest guilds main forces will not come with tank having 10 in strangh, because it make weak all party. Freezing attributes will have only one effect - players will have swaping between characters, but characters will be build this way, to make them most effective. It will only force people to spend more time on scoring knowledge poinst on alternative characters. It will not change fact, that peaople building their characters with optimal attributes, talenst and abilities will have bigger chance to win than peaople who play on their own build not connected to roles they actually have. It is stright way to force people to grinding.
We can have a look on Albion Online. AO is game where you do not have to choose class/race. All characters are identical in "base". Skills are adjusted by items you have, and build is define only by them. What we can look at zvz (mass players fight) that every main zerg have their own composition. There is no situation, that everyone play identical items. Lots of people use not most effective build just for fun. And some builds are strong only combine with another one. Of corse some combinations are better other combinations are not so strong, but still possibility to full rebuild of character in all ways did not kill there some individuality. Fractured have chance do the same and even more. In AO we need spent lots of time on grinding, because increasing lvl of usage items boost them, whats mean you need really long time to max your character. Fracture have chance to completly skip most of grinding and I wish to see F do this, not see next game, where you have to decide what your character will do and max it only that way, and create tens of alternative charaters who will be responsible for another role in party.
I would not agree also that gameplay where you have complete possibility to changing all of elements of your build is boring. In my opinion your worries about boring gameplay where you can freely experiment with your full build is unreasonable. If you are "casual" player, have no lots of time to create more characters it is easier for you to create satisfactionary build if you can check how effective is in every combination you imagine that have to decide on one build and play with weak charackter becouse your idea was not so good. Boring is focusing on one way and be weak in all other, where no one will be treat you seriously if you will not have "correct" build.
Other hand there is nothing more frustrating when I see that I could win against someone, but I loose because I created wrong build and can do nithing to repair it. I know, that for now we can respec once per week, but still it is not enought in my opinion - I could not be usefull for my guild in every situation if can make build only for one of them. In my opinion differences betwenn effectiveness of players should be only their skill and how much time they spend learning cooperating and correct usage of skills, not their builds and decisions that they want facus more on small fight or sieges or another content.
RE: Abilities, Talents and Attributes
There is no sens play class not base on your attributes. It is just useless. Game let us create multiple character, so optimally if I want be able to swap class I play I just need grind and train more than one character. I think that grind is the worst element of any MMORPG game, because it just force you to brainless and boring achieving "exp points". I see no any serious reason to not allow players have flexible class changing when they once unlock all abilities and talents. In my opinion players should have easy possibility to dynamic class change with maksimum effectivness on these classes. This allow us use "late-game" content without grinding some much and focus our activities on most interesting elements of MMO game - fighting with other people or clearing high level monsters or dungeons (if exist in game). Really - why not allow people have fun with lots of different gameplay on all roles in party?
One thing more. I can say it is a little right, than in situation, that attributes can be change dynamically actual system has small sanse. Game is in alpha, so I think there is time to change it and check if another system of attributes could be more flexible and not make limits in class changing. -
Abilities, Talents and Attributes
I find Fractured really iteresting project but I there is one point what makes for me this game not so fine.
System of Abilities and Talents allow us dynamically adjust our character so we can adjust it to content we plan do. It create situation, where with one charakcter we can go fight against creatures or against other players. And in this point we come to Attributes - if we cannot dynamicly adjust these points our character loose all this possibility. Other Attributes sets can be best in PvE, and other in PvP contect. Second point - it freeze our charater in one role. I would like to have a chance change the role depend what content I do and it is disadventeges for me, that I need for that more than 1 character.