The cart minimap icon seems to get stuck sometimes after the cart is picked up and moved to a new location.
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Cart icon on minimap get stuck after cart moves away
UI get stuck with a floating tooltip window preventing any further crafting
After creating an item in a house, by selecting build from the blueprint item's floating context menu, with possibly some crafting and inventory or chest gumps open, a tooltip window remain on the screen with old content in it.
From this time no further blueprint items could be selected to craft or to add resources to.Crafting seems to be blocked on blueprint items against (hidden?) walls unless the pointer is on very specific places on the item.
Path finding to Stone Blocks does not work after mining and collecting the first stone
Once a stone deposit has been mined and the first stone block collected the player character fails to pathfind to the second block without first moving the character around.
Edit: This seems to happen when the character did not need to move to deliver the first Stone Block. It also seems that, when moving from the cart to collect the second piece, the walk animation on the player character does not start for a short while even though the character is moving.
PS: The animation on the cart wheel rotation seems to be out of sync with the cart's linear speed.