Game has great potential just theyr marketing team is horrible no idea what they doing ,b2p with microtransactions its not gonna get this game anywhere past 200 players

Posts made by RoyalX
RE: Going forward is Fractured going to be worth playing?
RE: A few spoilers
That is really cool, love the variety, the only thing i hate about this game is theyr marketing ideas
I love this game dev add more gear
DEV pls add more starter armors and weapons,begginer player experience needs more variety in gear
Map bug invisible block
Here cannot go climb up on the road its something invisible blocking the road pls fix!
i like this game i want it to succed but if dev dont go f2p to start with big population it will end up dead in few months after rellease,and when they finally decide to go f2p eveyone else will be playing another game,
B2P vs F2P
why do the dev took the b2p option and make the game low population when they can make the same amount of money or more by going f2p and make the game feel more alive ,i played the free alpha and i saw only 1 person all game ..