hi, as all of us you will have to wait until is released or win the pre-alpha key!

Best posts made by Rotdelta
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Latest posts made by Rotdelta
RE: Hi every one!!!
RE: Hello Everyone
hi, welcome,nice to meet you and nice to meet another VA
RE: Good luck to all of you guys!
good luck to you too!!! hope to play with you in the game
Hi,nice to meet you all!!
I was kinda unsure about if registering most of all because for a moment i was confused if i had to pay after registering. I love MMO's and RPG i have played them since i was child but i grew bored of always the same things, mechanics and repetitive combats to archive the needed level to continue the story. That's why Fractured called my attention and i'm going to help as much as i can because it's a fresh idea with a lot of potential. Hope it reaches what the developers want to do