Dear fractured players.
I want to organise a 1vs1 tournament. It will be held in KO-System.
16 spots. 100g per person. First one will get 800g, second 500g, third 300g.
Fight until one gets knocked out, no execution.
Just message me on discord(Jannes#8834) or reply here if you are interested. It would be at 8pm CEST, 7th of April.
If it goes well, we will held one tournament a week.
Location would be "Valhalla Atrium" and next week in the city of the winner
I'm open for new ideas, perhaps a 2vs2 later on. Just write your thoughts and if you would participate.
greetings, Makish
Everyone has to be either flagged (0 Karma, but no loss against flagged, so you can switch to good afterwards, and there is no good karma use in this alpha i think)
Or be in a different milita then his opponent.
Any other ideas for that problem ?