I logged out somewhere here
When i logged in about 5 min later, i found myself in jail. 10k positive karma, no pk. Relog didnt help. Specter had to get me out.
I logged out somewhere here
When i logged in about 5 min later, i found myself in jail. 10k positive karma, no pk. Relog didnt help. Specter had to get me out.
Hi rgarrett,
So far thumbs up.
I rightclick the wolf but the autoattack is certainly and reproducable missing it. I had the same issue on different other ocasions, in different areas and different mobs. Changing my position usualy has fixed the problem, so that the auto did hit again.
I took a ride to vale of shadows, enetring from the east. It as almost unplayable do to all rubberbanding and lag. I died several time with the damage obviously incomming with big delay. Not sure about that, but i had the feeling that the lag is worst when i got zombies on the screen.
After relogin the bucket is no longer on me but on the ground in front of me.
Riding along on a horse i found something that looks like a bucket full of coal or rocks. I had to dismount to keep it up. After picking up ive been hauling in my hands like a wooden log. I mounted up again while carrying it and it was looking kinda glitchy - the bucked merged into the player char and horse.
Next i dismounted again to put the bucket down but i couldnt. the bucket was not in the hands anymore but somehow merged into the body. Rightklicking to put the bucket down does not work. The movement speed is slowed down as im carrying something.
paying good money and having to spend the evening starring at the queue is not cool
Hallo zusammen,
ist bekannt wann es los geht und kann man das spiel schon vorab downloaden um es am release tag einfach nur zu patchen?