@StormBug not sure how valid that wiki page is as it talks about a carpenter NPC and wood or stone house, no npc in the game at this point. Pictures on it is also from way before this and last alpha. Maybe someone can shed light on this that helps in the wiki? Maybe what is planned for future?
Posts made by MrBd
RE: Moving – New Land Parcel Not Allowed
RE: Moving – New Land Parcel Not Allowed
Move your stuff into the local bank then remove your plot and grab another.
I have never seen that you have a 24h window to own 2 plots of land anywhere so this is a feature not a bug. They ofcourse might have changed something and I missed it but unless that is the case it is like I said a feature.
Siege building
I think there is an issue with where the catapult gets placed. Shouldnt it be on the pad?
RE: Patch Log - v.a.2.5.1c
The Nation now works.
We managed to be the first nation shortly followed by Sprocketania as second nation!
RE: Why Syndesia? (or, as things stand now, would you even play on Syndesia, or pick one of the other planets as a less Toxic alternative for your playstyle?)
I normaly would go Human all the way but during this alpha and if not changes are done (I hope there is changes as we still alpha) I would forgo my normal PvX playstyle and go completely PvE on Beastmen as I am part of those that find joy in PvP only if it is structured. I simply dont have the time to have my progress destroyed by those who think 5vs1 is a valid PvP point as the current climate of the game suggests.
As the quote says "I am to old for this shit"
RE: unbalanced pvp - unarmed naked mob griefer.
@Kralith Reguarding the prison and bounty hunting seems starter cities have it. I was told so by our friendly main dev Prometheus. So will be fun to see what the real honest PvPers will do with that system.
At some point even as a normal PvE player I want to test out that system for sure.
And yes, they do it to feel cool in their community. Had a 3vs1 when I was hauling a cart yesterday, so I feel the pain for all the friendly PvE:ers out there
[Worker Build] For when you need to farm in the wilds and want to carry max load!
Hi all,
So I created a build for a Gladiator that can be used (other characters will have less weight) when farming in the wilds for a city upkeep but still want to be able to kill the mobs that might show up in a pretty nice and simple fashion.
It is based on the fact you are carrying nothing with you but your horse in the inventory, so no weight carried out with you only home again. Granted you will most likely be an easier PvP target but this is not based on that but is actually something for the pure PvE players to be honest.
So what I did was I focused the talent tree on unarmed combat and some magic to boost some skills needed to kill spiders and the likes. So my talent tree ended up something like this :
Health, Mana and resistance as the main focus as you can see. This to have you better survive the mob encounters with ease in the wilds. The more hardcore monsters ofcourse will have to be avoided you are in your underwear! But those are not in the fields where you want to gather to get wheat and meet for your city upkeep for example.
After I build the talent tree I tweeked some abilities to fit this as a gladiator have low INT and therefor less abilities to use. My finalresult ended up with these abilities active :
Second Wind - To make sure you can up you health if needed fast
Magic Missile - To make sure you can kill Deer and Stags for meet and also get pretty decent damage
Shockwave - To stuff mobs and run if needed or just get that extra time without damage when killing
Relentless Style - To make sure I always do max damage
Resolve - To get away from stuns and escape if needed
Bash - To get that extra stun when hitting the mobsSo to conclude this build I can just say the following, build to bring home max amount of stuff in one travel. When I built and tested this I had limited KP and limited abilities as I actually built this last Alpha to compensate for the higher income for city upkeep that came in the later stage of the alpha when most of the people in my city had stopped playing and testing. But I still wanted to make the city go as high as possible as I wanted to keep our town legacy growing that others helped set when I was out in the world getting 100% mobs and killing legends.
I am happy to say that build helped save time and get us a top 4 city last test, not that the ranking was the goal but a nice bonus to the work.
Hope this build can help other farmers out there for future tests when cities are a big thing again and also remember, you cant lose any gear with this build so if you get PvPed. Will be a small comfort atleast for the PvE related players not to have to get new gear all the time
Gaining karma bug? or game breaking feature?
Hi there,
I was playing alot yesterday to test things out and a few things that I didnt like about the PvP system but not being much of a PvP player to start with as I prefer this games PvE as I like how that looks. The PvP wont stop me from playing the game but it will sure do for quiet a few if the issue of what I consider Karma bug isnt adressed.
So to the issue I have with this :
You are gaining negative karma when someone attacks you and you defend yourself if you kill him after knockdown. That means you are penalized for actually defending yourself or your friends by sending the Evil attacker back to town in his underwear. Why? Will this be bad well here are a few pointers when you look at the big picture of what is planned with the PvP system as I see it :
Casual and small group of friends will have a very hard time gaining gold as you are not allowed to defend your grinding spot but have to move away to avoid bad karma.
Evil players can force good players into bad karma and set them up for a "bounty hunter" to jail him and gain gold for his/her release
To bail someone out you need gold you cant get cause if big clans (and they will) abuse this only they can progress
Gold is needed for cities and with a force away system were you cant as a player or group defend yourself without getting bad karma and set yourself up for jailing will also affect the upkeep and progress of the world.
These might just be an old mans opinions and I might be totaly wrong but Killing in defence of you and your friends should not give you bad karma as killing a bully is a good deed not a bad one.
Thanks for your time and thanks before hand for the input on this that will follow.
@Prometheus if you want more detailed info I can send you screenhoots and there is also video and twitch vods on this so we can explain it and discuss it better if needed. And last but not least keep up the good work game looking great, loving the new graphics!
RE: FUN test! Thanks
See you both next test @PeachMcD and @KatrinaBekers, will help tank legends for you then aswell
I enjoyed this alpha alot and tested every system as much as I had time to do. Everything from city building to enchanting stuff to test the best setup for legend hunting. What I love about Alpha gameplay is testing every system and find out how they work without all the typical guides, best way to learn about a game and its "to be" features.
See everyone next test in February,
RE: Fleshing Beam with out the crafting option
I cant use the town Fleshing Beam but I can still use the one that was build at my own house.
RE: Milling Stone on private parcel without crafting option
I can use the milling stone I have at my house. But like Extreminador I cant place a new in town or use the town one and I am Vice Govenor of my town aswell