´Haha i have a Spider respawn at the frontdoor and a Direwolf spawn in the back
Posts made by Mocasi
RE: wolf respawn inside my house
Heal Regeneration im Talentbaum
Health Regeneration im Talentbaum wird im Charakterbildschirm nicht angezeigt.,
RE: [Client Memory Leak] Client doesn't seems to unload stuff from memory
The same here, we were 3 person killing Mountain-Trolls.
Enchantments for necks and staffs not possible
Cannot enchant magic staffs and necklaces. Magic staff is supposed to have 4 enchantments-slots and neck is supposed to have 3 slots.
Cobweb-Skill works only for the Spider but not for the Player
I learned the skill "Cobweb" from the spiders; but it wont work. It does work when a spider throws it, but when i throw it, nothing happens.