True Cuckoo | This is Not Effortless

Best posts made by IGame4FUN
RE: Daily Song Suggestions to keep daily posting interesting
RE: What is your biggest want in this game?
- tp or a way to get around faster, like mounts
- Auto-run along roads to way-point you place on map
- Upgraded tools that give you more resources or resource nodes city wide
- Ability for any citizen to see what craft tables are available city-wide (on the map and those missing)
- Arrows pointing to your party mates
- Ability to unlock city-wide crafting tables for plots outside town
- Bigger plots outside cities (10x10 would be nice so we can make little villages around)
- Custom map markers
- Bigger carts pulled by mounts maybe?
- Custom Player/Town leaders quests? Like on a board and automatic rewards from a chest when completed, rewards locked as long as quest is on the board, for ex. 36 wood for one gem of your choosing
that's about it