Everytime you kill another player's dog you might inadvertently be creating John Wick

Best posts made by Haughty
RE: Effect from Taming on mainly PvP
RE: What excites you most for the upcoming test
With these quarantines and canceled public events, anything videogames excites me way more.
RE: Tame monsters and make them accompany you
recruiting monsters to fight with you < recruiting friends to fight with you
Fractured's Log In Screen Doxxes Streamer's Email
Hi there
I wanted to bring attention to this game's log in screen showing the person's email instead of account name like basically every other game. I urge the devs to change the log in screen because booting up the game while live streaming reveals one's email which could be a bad thing.
Also hey since we're on the topic of the main menu the log in music is way too loud.thanks for reading