For any Citizens out there.
If you are looking for a place to call home, the Fresh Ground City is here to welcome you. Specialized in Cloth, Hide & Leather armor crafting. As in Bows and Wizardry.
Only for a few days Metal weapon crafting is on the menu!
Join the city Fresh Ground in the Heart of Myr
If you're are looking for a guild
Currently we are building a EU based team for Fractured, if you're interested to put in the work and agree with our style as described below. We are expecting you!
What we offer
Farming sessions
Legend farming
Focused Crafters
Optimized Town management
Our goal is to be able to own a Town and have team players that enjoy progressing together and supporting each other.
Coffee Time Gaming is a semi-hardcore gaming group of friends, enjoying their tea/coffee while playing their favorite games. Mainly coming from Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, Monster Hunter, Destiny ,Division, Lost Ark, and New World. We are intrigued and actively recruiting players & friends. Most of us do have past gaming experience with other MMO games and clan management. (ESO, WoW, Warhammer, Conan, Archeage, Guild Wars, New World, Lost Ark, and many more) that are:
Above the age of 21
English speaking
Adult Gaming Hobbyists
Responsible Adults ( especially with Clan planned activities/raids)
Upon joining Coffee Time Gaming:
You will be in a fun community free of drama & hate
Have the opportunity to play other games with the rest of our members as well
We want to enjoy playing this beautiful-made game together, gear up, explore, raid, and so on.