Free plots are limited by level city, more level more expand areas cities gains.
IN basic: cities need more plots.
Add more special areas for claims
Villages: you need 10 settlers to found village, village has rich for resources.and villages are bounds to cities, players who found village has similar option to manage village as owner of cities, but pay taxes to cities...city cant be found until few villages are built around...
Abbadoned fotress : small areas which are indepedent, playstyle: smaller guilds...
Huge farms area: Area which is similar to village, but with huge bonus to specific production
Mining colonies: similar to village with huge bonuses to mining(lot of resoureces around), upgrades means: better ores or gems which can be found.
GUILD HOUSES: yeah i totally mis this it would be nice to own huge guild house(castle) for prestige and with option to give more ranks of right(creating own roles and option to set access to specific role to chests houses, etc.)
First of all i am little bit dissapointed with map, because usefull resources are everywhere...you arent not to much force to buy or traveling buy and sell in different town.