Wolves skill Bleeding strike should be transfered to Dire wolves/Arctic wolves [wolves are too common and annoying]
Arctic Wolves (CR 3) -> CR 4-5, health up, dmg up [Aerhen is not for the weak]
Dire wolves -> remove shard of corruption from drop, too easy to get OR 5% -> 1%
Warg -> Drop chances Shard of corruption 5% -> 1% [get them from Spider Leeches, FerGhouls, Drake]
[goblins need to be more popular with players who have gone through the early stages of character development by adding tasty loot]
Goblin Medic (Challengeranking 3) -> CR 4 [recipes, yes], stats up, add 0.5-1% chance to drop Crystallized Magic
Goblin Cutthroat -> add 0.5-1% chance to drop Rogue Stone
Goblin Warchief -> chance to drop Rogue Stone 5% -> 10% (it's too rare)
Goblin Shadowdancer (Challengeranking 3) -> CR 4, add 0.5-1% chance to drop Rogue Stone
All elemental Shamans CR 4 -> CR 5, chance to drop Crystallized Magic 5% -> 15%
Bandit Archmage Outcast (Challengeranking 5) -> Will stone 5% -> 20% (to rare, compared to 5% of Vampiric spiders -> it's a nightmare to farm them for Will Stones, I tried)
Bandit Leader (Challengeranking 5) -> CR 6, chance to drop Rogue stone 5% -> 20% [same, but no easy and popular alternatives]
Mountain Troll (Challengeranking 4) -> CR 5, Hardened Skin 1.5% -> 8-15%
Blood iron ingot drop chance 2% -> 1%
Ogre Lord (Challengeranking 8 )
Rogue stone 2% -> 15%
All Primeling CR 4 -> CR 3
All Elementals CR 5 -> CR 4
All Greater Elementals CR 6 -> CR 5
Wolf Spider (Challengeranking 4) -> remove poison, [for CR 4 it's too strong]. Or make poison weaker, OR move to CR 5. [They are too close to starter city, each spider wolve is a nightmare for new player]
Spider Lich drop chance Shard of corruption 6% -> 15% [because we taken this from Dire wolves, Wargs]
Treant (Challengeranking 6) Treant Sap 10% -> 50%
Sproutling (Challengeranking 4) Treant Sap 10% 0% -> 1%
Jotuun Cleric, Ogre magi slow auto attacks -> faster attacks, faster animations. Too easy to avoid damage completely.
Dragon breathe dont touch melee warriors -> should touch melee warriors (say goodbye to easy farm solo)
Thanks, that was quick