Posts made by Alator
Talent Tree, Armor, and Stats
In a couple of the Feature Spotlights (Three and Five) they discuss how players will be able to make choices that affect their stats/abilities/options. Mainly how selecting abilities in the Talent Tree will affect the base (natural) stats that your character has prior to (I'm assuming) armor/potion/whatnot adjustments.
I think it would be interesting (in the vein of player choice and consequence) if this had a secondary effect: attribute boost modifiers. For example, putting points into strength will not only increase your strength attribute, but also give a bonus to strength-related gear stats, which seeing a negative impact to bonuses from other armor stats. For example (and these numbers are just for making a point), if you max out your Strength tree, you get +20% bonus to strength-related gear/buff bonuses, but -10% to Dexterity and -10% Perception related gear/buff bonuses. That way a character that tries to max out their Strength tree can't simply use gear/boon/whatnot items to fill in gaps, they have to live with weaker increases from other stat items. Less points in a tree would result in less increases, but also less decreases, in equipment/buff adjustments.
I think this would force players to think about what they want their character to do, and maybe fight the min-maxing that will inevitably occur. Want to hit as hard as you can? Well, it's going to be tougher to get a crit and dodge if you do so. Want better crit boosts or on-crit effects? Ease off on the strength tree.