hello and welcome!

Posts made by Aktanom
RE: Why is the Kickstarter (almost) failing.
mmo on kickstarter had some recent failures and some succes. inexile did lots of really cool promotion movies to get people into it. (a young boy in a porsche wants to make a game for money. add lootboxes etc)the older dude then replies he wants to make a game for fun. its really funny "hey oldskool. we should make money on ..." some do use dev runs with streamers like cohhcarnage to show their game. It makes small corporations suddenly stand out.
so it all comes down to product (something working) advertisement. and in kickstarters also timing. Ways to pay (cc only and no paypal) are no problem for the majority of games that come through.
i didnt read all about fracturedmmo and dont know what they will do of the kickstarter fails. maybe a different way? i know i would happily put on a layaway over say 12 months to become a king or something like that. but that takes some planning and oinsiderations.
for the game and what they show. i think it will be as good as they intend it to be.
Aktanom says Hi!
Hello and well met fellow players.
I am Paul (Akimotos / Aktanom / Tec / Dordolio - depending on the game you find me in) born and raised in Amsterdam (1966) and now living near it in Almere. I am married for over 14 years and still happy with my wife. I work in the IT business as Windows System Engineer / MsSql DBA.I have played many games (online MMO's, Eve-Online, Path of Exile and many many more, invested quite a lot (money and time) in some (8k+ Star Citizen, 3k+ Chronicles of Elyria) just to support development and such. Some do well (like Star Citizen) and some do not (imho like Chronicles of Elyria)
i like to explore the world (hello sandbox!) and to find out things. I imagine that i could find something no one has found yet. (yes yes i know... i can dream can't i)
i love to socialise, but do not like pvp (euhm... "too old for that" or just not interested in showing my non-existent skills. I prefer to have a character with those skills)
Depending on possibilities and timeframes after the kickstarter (i hope it will be succesfully) i will invest more in this game. (i wish i had not invested that much in CoE).
Hoping that this game will be the 'one' game...
RE: Are you a PVP or PVE player?
@mmoplayer said in Are you a PVP or PVE player?:
Hey guys.
In general, most players enjoy PVP, but there are also players who enjoy the Story/PVE of the game ...How about you? Do you like PVP or PVE ?
I didn't see counts. i dont see what the criteria are to "most players enjoy PVP" so would not know and i think i disagree. but hey who am i
same goes for the oh-so-awesome battle royal games. or voices that said "desktop are dead, only console games are <fill in blanks>"ok. i guess matters of opinion. I personaly think that the majority of gamers are solo or pve gamers, not minding casual pvp now and then. the ones that have the loudest voice are probably PvP ... as they always complain about how unfair everything always is. "nerved this, nerved that"
back to topic and to answer your question:
i always found pvp and 'skill based' go well hand in hand. As thats what you need to be.
me however, like to play together (coop) team up and explore. I dont like pvp at all. not 1 bit. want to know who is best? wel congratulations. you are. 1-0 for you. you are the best. (and i dont give a ****). i am an infinite player. not a finite. (i dont care if there is no 'win')what will be the next question?
How long will it take you to rush to end game? (which for finite type of players always is not there. no fun etc.)(sorry if this sounds a little carebear or something else silly. i am someone who needs good content, a storyline that works, and much more. Most games do not deliver oin that. and most young players are filled with energy and a attention span of 1 minute. (i dont have to worry they read this as it is already way to long