Dragons drop are dragons skin and items to process them on my experiences from killing like 350 dragonlings and near 10 dragons
drope100 skins and near 70-80 items to process skin ( BUT you need 200 itmes becouse to craft 1 skin = 2 items adicionals)
are there other way to use skins? or add more adicional drops for items or reduce skins drop?
from farming dragons have near 200 skins and don't have items por craft them
adicional itmes for craft it's used to for enchants so , if you hunt dragons you need DELETE skins becouse no items on server to process them = BIG INCOHERENCE my opinion.

Best posts made by DuRBaTuLuK
Dragon/ dragonling drop
RE: Advanced smelter bug
For now is only was First time on my first advanced smelth , next times worked fine....
Latest posts made by DuRBaTuLuK
RE: Can't reclaim land Buged house land from last version
Any solution for my PROBLEM ? I can't claim any land up for now.... and need land ....
Can't reclaim land Buged house land from last version
Is Terra top rigth city was clamed on last test
PLZ DEbug this
RE: Terra terrain bug // bridge no exist -1035W 792N // -1055W 413N
Terra 2 bridges ( bloked or no exist) down /SOUTH of of centrall boss termidian .
Totems and monsters and skills and MORE
Totems can be used like a takn item ( take agro and have HP near 2k // on good CD =12s to use skill= OP )
Dragons breath is buged if you stay near o down dragon no afect you .
Behemoth , rly slow , and low dmg ^^ Mamoot hit more
Venom resist don't reduse dmg from venom ....
To drop down STACKS from fire or ligthning what you need ? resists?/fortitude?/wis?/evade/ ?? Or not afected?
Some skills don't afect a Totem , like range aoe skills (slashing wave is 1 of them) ,
totem is Afected from AOE heals from monsters-
Enchant abilities rank on ROBE does not add to you current abilities Rank
For Now all monsters CAN BE KILLED SOLO ....(except Legends)Some groups of monster NEAR roads ARE OP like Groups of 3golems+Great golem +2 wisp+1Great wisp, = probably instant death or near = why? 1stun + stun AOE + dmg mele +magic +magic skills from 7 monsters and you can't move for 8s or so .. ( move them a little AWAY FROM ROADS plz) ( CITY RICURA--- From Harbor 2 Groups Near road= need go out of Road , but when you go down you don't see them anly when you stuned xD)
bug area intro Terra ogres
13w 2683n
run around you heals is buged like 2 dimensions diferens and changes ...... you can heals you full or return to hp what you have before enter tish zone
RE: Terra terrain bug // bridge no exist -1035W 792N // -1055W 413N
water bad displayed terra 600w -1800N
RE: Terra terrain bug // bridge no exist -1035W 792N // -1055W 413N
4 stones can't be piked 122N -2638N
RE: Terra terrain bug // bridge no exist -1035W 792N // -1055W 413N
New bug buy try make wagon // log like weapon can't drop cand use skills , can't pick other log ....
2 logs down can' be piked ,,, //any time trees drop logs and ther dessapear down