@muker Браво
Честно сказать я ожидают от этого проекта большего. Ну и ознакомился с игрой чутка больше и не стал переделывать и удалять эту тему.

Best posts made by Dreamerliv
Latest posts made by Dreamerliv
RE: It should not be in a game.
It should not be in a game.
I am angry in games on these damned wings which take the huge place and shine in different bright colors. It is impossible to play I do not love bright colors. It very much distracts from a game.
I adore usual classical medieval armor on the hero. But did not meet such games without idiotic suits and an armor. Which do of the hero of some clown in bright colors and damned wings.
Concerning magic hero I have nothing against. But it would be desirable usual armor closer by the classical Middle Ages. Cloak, hood, belt with magic sacks.
Craft in a game interests me more. Put especially forge for forging of an armor. It would be desirable a little realistic. Production and processing of ore. Then from them to forge an armor and a chain armor. Level of craft affects quality of weapon and armor. The realness very much interests.
In respect of craft of use of an otstanka of animals for magic products let alchemists are engaged and to make optional use for blacksmithing to shape an armor. It is better to add magic properties in an armor separately as stones or crystals to special socket in weapon and an armor.
And to receive advanced crystals and stones. It it is necessary to have craft of the alchemist of big level and remains from animals from mythical beings as dragons. -
As for a single it would be desirable that it was possible to use several types professions of craft. I know to raise levels for all types of professions of craft, that it is better to do it by group of peopleBut it will not distract from process of a game as there is no need to create the new hero.
Reputable developers of a game. What you think about it?