So I made a reagent calculator using ChatGPT.
Below is the Screenshot of how it works and the Node.js file in Google Drive which I don't know
how to explain. LOL. Have Fun
**Disclaimer I'm not a programmer so I don't know how to adjust the code. Here is the code and adjust it to suit your needs. BTW I took the reagents list from Fracture Wiki as well as the Imbue Effect.
Google Drive v7 - with extracts included.
Google Drive v8 updated were there is a user input on which extract to include instead of adding everything.
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I asked ChatGPT also to create a code for Aspect Extracting. Below is the screenshot and file in google Drive
Google Drive Updated ReagentCalculator where as the first 2 lines of imbue effect Adjuration and Accuracy generates wrong result. (fixed)
Google Drive v11 - this version supposedly verifies and check the result combination is only for the imbue effect that was selected.
I think this will be the final form for this calculator, as ChatGPT is making some errors if I made additional adjustment to the code apart from this version. Hope this help us with the imbue process.
Hi there, thanks for the effort you put in this.
I would like to use this, but I have no idea how. I'm horrible with anything IT related
Could you advise me how I can use this imbuement calculator?
The Link to the googledrive is not working. Please yould you update the link?
Thanks a million