Primal Energy recharge when resting

  • The mechanic for recharging Primal Energy when resting feels tedious when you have to recharge large portions of your energy. Forcing you to either use incredibly inefficient shards/crystals or sit there and right click every 5 seconds for 1-2 minutes.

    You can help reduce the need to sit and recharge large chunks of your Primal Energy if, while you're playing, you rest with Q and pop a residue or two every so often. However, I don't always need rest so I'm actually spending even more time to Q rest when I don't need to, and then use several residue.

    Maybe if you rested at a fire, it would automatically use Residue from your inventory to recharge your Primal Energy. (I'd be fine if the overall rate was the same and I just didn't have to actively click every 5 seconds.) That way you could at least go afk for a couple of minutes while it was recharging.

    (This "problem" happens more on Syndesia since Wildfolk do not get any passive regen there. On Arboreus, you get back a fair amount running/riding to locations.)

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