plots on city
Why are ther so much pots on each city ? its near 500 on each? ore more? not all ppl have house becouse no need for some of them .
there near 12 towns on each planet , if you will creat 6 planets 2 to each races, plase more zones on monsters or somthing but remove like 20-30% plots of each city /// ther are no monsters to pay all rent of all plots... //
Ad more resurces or drop down Coldown of respawn PLZ
In the map is near 2-3% of items can't be gathering , starts and stoped, why?
proficiency give like 10% dmg , each lvl ( WTF) on single hit firebolt i can hit near 1.2k max crit dmg now // on lvl 10 profecy = 2.5k dmg rly? If its like this I can solo big dragons // now can kill solo all dragonlings //