Losing internet while logging off has blocked me from playing again.
So I logged off because I got stuck between a hill and a house with teleport and coudn't teleport out(no line of sight/too far away).
My internet dropped(by accident) about the same time I pressed the logout button, It didn't let me log out and i seemed to be unable to use skills.
So I Quit the game instead and now i get this message when logging in again.Been like this for ~30min now, don't know is my client is borked.
Will update this if I can get in again.
Been 1hour now, still no change.
restarted the client.Anyone any idea how often the game removes characters from the world?
Snooped around the forums for abit.
Saw that @Prometheus likes Player.log pastebins about this problem.
So here you go
Found the https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/8347/the-i-got-stuck-and-need-help-thread/17
For anyone with a similar problem.