Dec 5, 2023, 6:04 PM
Even though electricity is a byproduct of wind, I found it strange that the school of aeromancy doesn't have any wind spells.
Wind spells could deal slashing damage, some could knock back, and a few could bleed. Another example would be a conjured wind wall deflecting or lessening the damage of projectiles and crippling those that pass through it.
Lastly, there could also be a few that buff the caster—an example of one being a ward of wind with charges, which should not recharge like other charge-based abilities, that deflects a projectile per charge in a random direction then goes on cooldown when the charges are exhausted.
I don't have any ally-based wind buffs in mind besides a tailwind spell that provides a movement speed buff when running behind the caster, but I don't know if that would overlap with Leadership's Charge ability despite it scaling with WIS.
Whenever the Gale Wisps return/are fixed, they could have their ice spells replaced with wind spells, since "gale" does mean "a very strong wind" after all, and a new type of wisp—maybe named "Rime Wisp"—could be given their old spells.
Just tossing some ideas out there since spells for the school's namesake would be cool to have.
("Aer" and "Aero" means "air", "flight", and was used to describe a part of the "atmosphere" in Greek.)
(Copied from #player-suggestions for the developers' convenience.)