Character Stat Cooldown is too long to enjoy multiple facets of the game.
I have recently joined the game and after learning a bit more about the way skills work, I "fine-tuned" my character stats. Well, I ultimately decided after that, I would use my current build to learn new skills before switching to a build requiring different stats. I was quickly informed by the game that I would have to wait a full 7 DAYS to change my stats again. It really put a damper on my will to play, knowing I cannot adjust my character I have put many hours into in a "classless" system. I cannot adjust to suit a party, I cannot enjoy the new skills that took hours to learn and obtain, and I cannot effectively play with the freedom the game advertises.
I decided to make a new character to try out the other build I wanted. It was grueling to have to learn the same skills over again. One skill requiring me to kill 200 Komodo dragons, for example, after I had already gained knowledge of it. I understand it is different characters, but a knowledge sharing or family system would be nice. This would also prevent grief by players who are shady AF and make a new character to infiltrate a guild. If their family name was attached, they would be known on all characters. They can still have different alignment and personas, but anonymity is only good for griefing.
I would suggest a MUCH lower cooldown on the stat changes. Say, 24 hours, if there needs to be a limit for a good reason. Right now, it feels incredibly restrictive in a game where you are advertising to play however you want. I found out today that I have a 2 character slot limit and would have to spend 25 more dollars to get ONE more slot. then, I would encounter the same issue listed above to find the skills and knowledge for THAT character, too, if I bought it.
My other suggestion would be to have a farmable item that would allow us to change our stats. Like the portal crystals, we would need to go out with our current build to prove we can change it, in a way, by obtaining a resource.
Ultimately, I am enjoying the game less with such a harsh restriction. I know there are weekly patches lined up, which is great. However, if this isn't addressed in a meaningful way, I do not see myself continuing the game. I can see a lot of people reaching this barrier and feeling the burnout I feel as well.