Sinister Tyrants Recruiting the elderly.
Looking for old heads.
We are starting small with 3-5 players, and will grow as we find people we like.
No rules other than common sense, and chill.
Been around since '97 UO. We are all old as dirt, and have RL responsibilities.
DM for discord.
Got a nice little group of around 10 people, if you fit the description don't be scared.
Hi can u send me discord please i have no clue how to dm you? ( ign Genesis we talked in chat )
Check DM (top right))
We have a city! Where you at, olds? DM for discord info or respond here.
Looking for discord info : )
@Bikinibush Sent
We are up to around 20 people and own a city. If you are an old, feel free to DM me or hop in Discord.