Here's to hoping we see some good changes and not more pvp favoring ones. The pvp isn't interesting nor fun for anyone, much less PVE only players. Should have arena, jousting, or some form of pvp that's along those lines and not just open world. Let us have territories with colliseum style matches/events that bring in that sense of gambling too by betting on players to win. That alone would reduce the massing gold amounts and give some fun low risk pvp (only durability risks pretty much) with good rewards (split prize pool?).
If nerfing normal content to push for groups to favor hunting legendaries becomes the regular, it's going to push smaller groups away from the game as they will struggle to get to the point where they can actually fight legendaries. Not to mention a lot of people just stand around those waiting for someone to summon only to run in and steal the drops. Those drops need to be locked to the party that summons the boss, (Yes, this is fair in pvp too as they can just pk them after and take the loot or die trying). Some random newbie protected account who runs in at the last second and hits it 1 time should not be able to steal the boss drops like they currently can and have several times. Legendaries should be challenging but reward with enough of the T3 imbuement items to make it worth the challenge. Getting 3-4 when imbuing 1 item costs 5 of the not really worth it for a party of 6+ to fight it. It woulld take summoning that boss at least 15 times for each of them to get even 1 imbuement from that at that rate. It needs some serious focus, heading in a good direction by making it more worth doing, but it needs some work before it's even remotely something to consider farming. They should also be on cooldowns for those who summon it for like an hour or so that way they can't just spam summon it and flood the market with the loot either. Things like that need considered badly on many parts of the game, not just with legendaries too.
Other thing I really want to see is more added to towns. As it stands right now, there's nothing unique to any of the towns. Sure, we have resource nodes nearby (Except Rum Runners which has literally nothing in the territory) and we can have harbors....but there's nothing that makes it any different from any other town with a harbor or ore nodes near them. Ideas like, T3 armor/weapons that can only be crafted in a city that has paid for the blueprints could work for something. But also have it limited to like 5 per town or something. (An addition, without removing or sacrificing any of the basic crafting or T2 sets since a town consists of a wide variety of players and they all have their own goals on crafting. How it was before was extremely limiting and forced players to join specific towns just for those recipe qualities. That was bad simply because most of the cities that had what people wanted were bad cities lead by inactive leaders or had absurd crafting taxes). We just need something to make each town unique in some way. Even if that way is just decoration differences based on which town node the town has called home (could be fun to see varying types of wood on the buildings simply because that's the type of trees nearby, or taverns with slightly changed appearances to fit hotter or colder temperatures.)
Anyway, I do look forward to the potions/consumable changes and hopefully those can bring some balance to the heavy armor builds barely being able to heal with anything other than bleeds. Also lol, tanks would love to have some form of taunt for aggro control too. The way it is currently, aggro is pretty random which is bad for party play as when a squishy gets aggro their instinct is to run....which often resets the boss/mob they were fighting. That sucks when a tank is clearly right there trying to keep it hitting them and it just refuses to stay on them even when they're closer and clearly doing more damage. They really need some kinda taunt, and I'm sure all can agree on that one lol. It's like the one thing I hear most requested from my guildies (they just want a taunt lol)