Aludin & The Spirit Walkers
Hey! I'm new here, but I've been doing a few foundation quests already. I wanted to introduce myself (you can call me Aludin, Alu, Werewolf, wolfie, etc. I don't mind at all) and see if anyone else is thinking of making a guild that is basically a wolf-pack? I think the dynamics and the structure would be interesting, and realistic to the whole wolf-thing. I currently have made a guild called The Spirit Walkers as a back-up if no one else is doing such a thing, so feel free to join or whatever, I'll be happy to have you.
Either way, I'm super excited to see this game be released, and I can't wait to submerge myself in the lore, gods, and races that are already perfectly complex.
Thanks for reading, and hope to see ya around
@deadwolf Hello
Hello deadwolf!
Hello & thank you!
Welcome @deadwolf!