A compilation of everything we know about Fractured.
Hello there.
While the website already provides a good amount of info, there's no devtracker to keep track of all the posts devs like @Prometheus make. For this reason, I have decided to create one central thread where I have compiled all info that was revealed to us here on the forum. First of all, I suggest all new visitors to read the following 3 sources:
- Fractured main website: https://fracturedmmo.com/
- Fractured news: https://fracturedmmo.com/news/
- Fractured FAQ: https://fracturedmmo.com/faq/
With that out of the way, here's the info revealed on the forum so far:
1. Development
- 1A. Alpha & Beta
- 1B. Kickstarter
2. Forum, hero/guild profiles and the Foundation
- 2A. The Foundation
- 2B. Forum & website
- 2C. Hero & Guild profiles
3. Races & Religion
- 3A. Religion
- 3B. Beastmen
- 3C. Humans
- 3D. Demons
4. Planets and Asteroids
5. Exploration and survival
6. Empire-building
7. Combat, schools and knowledge system- 7A. Character building
- 7B. Abilities and weapons
- 7E. Conjuration
- 7F. Divination
- 7J. Necromancy
- 7L. Martial arts
8. Crafting, equipment and economy
9. Lore and Role-playing
10. Guilds
11. Servers and technical info- 11A. Server info
12. Monetization
13. Graphics and art
14. Miscellaneous
- Who are the devs?
It's a small company based in Milan, Italy. The company currently consists of 8 full-time devs and 3 freelancers. - The project started in January 2017, but development of alpha 1 started in August.
- What inspired the devs to make Fractured?
- Kickstarter? Alpha/beta testing? Release date? These questions are answered in the FAQ.
- No decision has been made yet on how future content will be released.
- The devs are planning to hire a community manager in the future.
1A. Alpha & Beta:
- Alpha is planned for late 2018.
- There will be a wipe after every time-limited testing phase. That includes beta testing phases.
- Certainly more than 100, less than 1000 pre-alpha keys will be handed out.
1B. Kickstarter:
2A. The Foundation:
- It takes a fixed number of 200 points per level to level up in the foundation.
We haven't planned to distribute game keys directly in The Foundation so far, but it's something we're going to discuss in the future.(Outdated)- Fake accounts/multi-accounts lose access to the Foundation. Also here.
- There will be a female version of the Foundation armor.
- Current foundation rewards are the same for every race. Race-specific skins will be rewarded at higher reward levels.
- More information about the Foundation.
It's unlikely you'll be able to obtain game access through the Foundation.(Outdated)
2B. Forum & website:
2C. Hero & Guild profiles:
- Hero profiles doesn't let you reserve your name. There will be a way to reserve names in the future.
- The hero profile isn't the actual way you will create a character ingame.
- Right now, there's no plan to implement gender-locking in Fractured.
- You can have different characters of different races at the same time on your account.
- There are 8 (sub)races in the game.
- There are no factions other than the three races.
- All races can ride mounts.
- This should be obvious but yes, all races can PvP and become gankers.
- You can change your alignment within the limits of your race.
- Not every race has the same base movement speed.
- Dynamight has already thought about adding a new race in the future. New races will live on the existing 3 planets.
3A. Religion:
- A little bit of info about pledging to gods, alignment and betraying your own race.
- You'll be able to dedicate yourself to a god for blessings.
- You can only worship one god at a time.
3B. Beastmen:
- Beastmen cannot attack innocents, demons and humans can but the law is enforced on the human planet Syndesia.
- Some information about the beastmen primal form.
- Beastmen won't get punished when they burn their own forest down.
- There will be female versions of beastmen (beastwomen?).
3C. Humans:
3D. Demons:
- There are three planets, Arboreus, Tartaros, and Syndesia.
Arboreus: Beastmen planet, very little PvP but it is possible.
Tartaros: Demon planet, lawless PvP.
Syndesia: Human planet, lawful PvP. - Little bit of info about asteroids. More info in an upcoming spotlight.
- Inter-planetary travel will be magical, not sci-fi.
- It's possible to be exiled from your own race's planet. Also here.
- A bit of info about visiting other planets.
- The world is huge but doesn't grow procedurally by itself.
- Asteroids come and go.
- Bit of info about flora & fauna on Tartaros and Arboreus.
- There will be dungeons and they will be open world. No instancing.
- Little bit of info about loot rights.
- Not much is known about open world hotspots and events, but it has been mentioned here.
- You will lose all items when you die but you can reclaim them if you reach your corpse in time. Other players can loot your corpse aswell depending on planet and their race.
- Confirmation that a hunger/thirst system exists.
- Fractured will have a temperature system, so dress properly.
- Fractured will not have multi-passenger mounts or vehicles.
- Clarifications on survival mechanics and bag space.
- Mounts provide carrying and stamina consumption advantages.
- There will be recurring PvE events, especially on Arboreus.
- Maps are unlocked with tools, but you don't create an actual tradeable map.
- Mounts will have different mount speeds, but not enormous.
- Fractured does not have a conventional questing system.
- More info about gear and loot rights.
- The devs haven't decided yet whether not Fractured will have cursed items.
- Diseases exist.
Player-built villages.
Many questions have been asked and many have been answered. This is not a voxel-based game. Instead, building is modular. Buildings, crop fields, etc can be upgraded. Houses can be decorated. Players who decide to manage their own city can determine the layout, where houses and pavement will be and more. More info here:
And throughout this thread:
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/36/building-your-on-cities?page=1- Guilds can attract NPC villagers to their towns where they will settle and start businesses.
- NPC slavery is not planned at this time. The reason for that can be found here.
- There are no plans at this time to allow players to turn NPCs into custom quest givers.
- Marketplaces are local, more on cities and housing here.
- Buildings owned by players are protected in general, except for city conquests.
- Guild-run storehouses are planned.
- There are area limits, both for cities and for other kinds of privately owned buildings.
- Knowledge points from exploration and bestiary are limited, relics and item identification are unlimited.
- The Knowledge System covers the role of an achievement system in a way.
- Info about creature density and combat.
- A bit more info about what interactions with animals entails.
- Temporary campfires take a while to build. You'll have to gather the necessary materials.
7A. Character building:
- Upon character creation, you can assign a set number of stat points to different stats.
- There will likely be a limited amount of attribute respecs after character creation.
- Players will have access to a wide variety of spells and abilities. It will be possible to DPS, heal, etc.
- Fractured has no classes. Free-form building instead.
- Prometheus's response on cookie cutter builds.
- There's nothing inherently bad about a demon being cut off from a few level 3 abilities :rofl:.
- How character strengths and weaknesses will affect you.
- There's no limit to what your character can learn.
- "With the help of stat boosts given by talents and sacrificing some others, you can go high on 3 stats at the same time."
- You can increase an attribute by an addition 2 points through talents.
- The cap on attributes is 25. and here.
- Bit of info about Charisma and penalties for having Charisma and Perception below 10.
7B. Abilities and weapons:
- Info about magical abilities and how to obtain them.
- Info about abilities.
- Some abilities are tied to specific weapons.
There will be divine schools of magic.(Outdated)- There are several alchemist/herbalist abilities.
- Some info about the primal form's abilities, which are currently fixed instead of customizable.
- The weapons listed in the State of the Game aren't the only available weapons.
- There won't be better and lesser versions of abilities.
- More information about abilities and progression.
- You can't combine abilities to create new ones.
- You can pick more abilities than the hotbar can hold with high INT, but not use them in combat at the same time.
- There will be invisibility and stealth-related abilities.
- Abilities don't require attributes to be used.
- There are healing and support spells scattered around other schools as well
7E. Conjuration:
- Conjuration can set marks but teleporting will be limited.
- You can't use conjuration to actually summon an object from a different part of the world.
7F. Divination:
7J. Necromancy:
- Even though the video about Necromancy didn't show it, you'll need corpses to reanimate them.
- Raising corpses won't interfere with looting.
- Reanimating a Beastman, Human or Demon isn't necessarily the same thing as raising a monster.
7L. Martial arts:
- Visual effects on magical weapons will likely come after alpha.
- A lot of info here about gear system and crafting resources.
- Resources are harvested pretty much the same way like in other games.
- Information about the differences between armor types.
- There's no global bank, auction house or market.
- Monster drops are mostly limited to rare resources and currency.
- Carts and carriages to transport goods will exist.
- Primal forms are for fighting, not crafting.
- It's possible to play as a crafter-only character.
- "The process of learning crafting recipes is close to ability learning"
- Info about moving resources from one planet to another.
- No bonus for gathering resources in a group.
- We'll have spears and some other poleweapons.
- Leather armor and gambesons will likely fall under a different catagory.
- No race-based limitation on crafting, all races can craft all racial armor if they manage to obtain the recipes.
- Information about farming. And here.
- (sub)races have race-specific bonuses to crafting and gathering as well.
- There's no race-specific armor.
- There's a repair system, but it requires resources.
- Little bit of info about role-playing.
- There are no plans at the moment to let players play instruments.
- A bit of lore about Lady Justice, Dryads and Baphomet.
- A bit of musing about ingame events.
- Lawful/ Neutral/ Chaotic is a personal choice to signal your attitude to other players and role-play, it's not planned for it to have actual consequences in the game.
- It's possible to have single-race and mixed-race guilds. This will affect your colonization options. Also here.
- Not much is known about guild versus guild warfare but the devs have hinted it's there.
- Here's some information about the number of people you can have in your guild.
- Mixed guilds will be alignment-restricted.
- There will be a variety of guild rankings in-game.
- Guilds can own more than one city.
- Some info about guild member caps.
- You can't ally an evil guild with a good guild.
- No guild quests planned as of today.
- Some info about neutrality, treaties and alliances.
- You'll be able to declare war, sign alliance treaties and even non-belligerency ones.
- Which languages Fractured will be released in will be determined based on the demand.
- The controls are similiar to games like Diablo 3, Path of Exile and Torchlight.
Fractured can be played on Windows XP apparently.(Outdated)- Authenticators will be implemented when the first alpha tests go live.
- Max amount of characters one can have hasn't been decided yet.
- An ingame translation feature is not a priority. The devs will consider it closer to release.
- The devs won't be gentle with botters.
11A. Server info:
- The goal is to have one server, connecting everyone through SpatialOS. However, if players from other continents have latency issues to due to the distance to the server, the devs might release multiple servers to combat this.
- There will be no player-run servers.
- As of right now, there are no plans for region-locking. The dev did add it's a bit too early to ask this question though.
- Fractured will have a cash shop for cosmetic items.
- No decision has been made yet on whether or not Fractured will have a VIP subscription.
- No expansions, DLCs and other forms of content restriction.
- The price of the base game will be revealed once the Kickstarter goes live.
- You will most likely not be able to exchange Dynamight gold for ingame currency and vice-versa.
- Mount skins bought from the shop are purely cosmetic.
- Links to art made by Sunti (artist at Dynamight Studios) can be found in this thread. Keep in mind not all art is concept art for Fractured.
- Female armor will be actual armor, not Asian MMO stuff.
- Screenshots and video footages will be available once they are good to be presented to the public and the press.
- Current heavy armor has a gambeson.
- You'll be allowed to have multiple accounts and more than one character per account.
- A bit of info about the ingame rules regarding multi-accounting and account sharing.
- The dev team doesn't need money for coffee and pizza.
- Differences between Albion Online and Fractured.
- Fractured will have an ingame chat.
I will update this thread over time as more info becomes available.
i have a problem with the 1 server goal, look at albion online, this game had alot of problems with gathering or pvp cause the newbies couldn't gather properly above tier 5 gear, they'll get ganked by a huge party of PKers, why do all the work farming when you can just take it right? i would argue to release more than just 1 server...
@vengu think you
Damn, very well made !!
Thank you
@vengu Good job Vengu
For those new at the Forum this thread will be specially very useful
Thank you for this
Very nice
Nice compilation!
Thank you, Vengu. good job!
@vengu good work
What an exceptional job! This thread flies straight to pinned waiting for more spotlights!
(on a side note, you can click on my name to view all my posts :slight_smile:)
I have updated the main post with a few new answered questions, and a question about harvesting that I missed. Also, I've been touching things up here and there to make some questions a bit clearer.
How are resources harvested?
Pretty much like in it other games.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/232/how-will-the-harvest-system-work-exactly/2Items lost on death.
You will lose all items when you die but you can reclaim them if you reach your corpse in time. Other players can loot your corpse aswell depending on planet and their race.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/244/loot-system/3What do monsters drop?
Mostly limited to rare resources and currency.
In addition, I have decided to add another catagory called "development" for a few questions that aren't covered by the FAQ.
Who are the devs?
It's a small company based in Milan, Italy. 5 devs, 3 freelancers.
https://fracturedmmo.com/press-kit/When did development start?
January 2017.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/49/engage-and-win-with-the-foundation/7Will Fractured have a cash shop?
Yes, it will. You will be able to buy vanity items with Dynamight Gold.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/253/the-foundation-5-quests-and-10-reward-tiers-added?page=1Kickstarter? Alpha/beta testing? Release date?
All those questions are answered in the FAQ:
@vengu thank you so much you a true hero
That's an awesome completion. It will help a lot of people for sure!
@vengu Don´t update it like that. Do edit on the original post. Otherwise this will get a mess
@frost The original got edited aswell. I just write the updates in a seperate post for visibility.
@vengu Ohh ok, sorry
Game looks promising. So this will be a full fledged MMO (and not one of those survival clones we keep seeing popping-up recently).
I especially like that dungeons will not be instanced.
I like that its a small company group doing it. In my head, that means they will have more flexibility to listen what the community has to say. I think.
I am waiting for kickstater campaign so i can support the producers.
@kris said in A compilation of everything we know about Fractured.:
Game looks promising. So this will be a full fledged MMO (and not one of those survival clones we keep seeing popping-up recently).
I especially like that dungeons will not be instanced.
Yeah, it's pretty much a MMO version of games like diablo 3 and PoE from what I've seen. The controls are similiar to those 2 games but the content is like that of a sandbox MMO.
I've updated the main post with some more information.
Additionally, I've updated the number of devs because Prometheus corrected me in a private message that they now have 8 full-time devs!
Loot rights:
Little bit of info about loot rights:
It's possible to be exiled from your own race's planet.
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/117/hello/4Hunger/Thirst system:
Confirmation that a hunger/thirst system exists:
Windows XP and Fractured:
The game can be played on Windows XP apparently.