Foundation Quest Rewards


    I have a foundation level of 361 with a number of old bronze and silver chest awards still attached to my now transferred profile that I would like to fully understand the current value of please? especially given I have multiples of each chest type shown on my forum account and these type of rewards are no longer current (although theoretically aligned with the new pack types i.e. adept etc.) ? Although historically active on the forum and having played occasional open test games, it has always been my intension to wait until beta before purchasing the game so they have not actually been claimed yet and I can only find references to previously purchased packs. Can anyone tell me how these foundation awards are actually accessed and become in game available items if I actually purchase the game during beta as previously intended. Thx

  • Moderator

    Don't worry, no one has had yet access to his chests or any other foundation reward. It doesn't make sense to access them where there are still wipes in sight.
    Indeed there are some kind of rewards from foundation or kick starter packages which no longer mean anything considering the evolution of the game. The devs said that we will get something else in their place.

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