Explorer arrival
An unknown explorer arrived in town of Fractured Forum
Howdy, I'm RedChaosWolf92 and I'm new to this site but I do enjoy MMO however I seem to be very picky on how MMO games should run, partly because I played runescape and that kind of style has strongly influenced my playstyle preference. It has been a challenge seeking a game that has my preference of style. That is actual freedom to do whatever I want, be whomever I want, and able to go anywhere I want. I hope to see you all to the game soon.
Hello and welcome @RedChoasWolf92
A warm welcome to you!
Welcome Explorer!
I hope you're going to find these lands to your content and manage to live through plenty a challenging adventure!
This post is deleted!
Hello RedChaosWolf92!
@RedChoasWolf92 Hello and welcome aboard
Hello and welcome explorer!
Hello there.
Welcome to the community. I agree on your game points of interest with this one.
Hi and welcome!
@RedChoasWolf92 Well howdy to you too I didn't get too tell you to welcome but welcome too the community
May the Fractured be with you!
Hi! Welcome!